The Power of Self-Evaluation
In today’s culture, there is no shortage of media pressure, peer pressure, and opinions about who a person is or should be. We take these opinions to heart and allow the images we see in the media to shape how we view the world, self, and others. The problem with this dangerous trend is the ugly truth behind these images and slogans. The world expects perfection while God only asks for progression. By constantly looking at and listening to the world around us, we never fully take time to examine our place in life, in faith, and in time.
For those in recovery and anyone who is seeking to be a better version of themselves, an internal evaluation is paramount to change. Education is key. To properly examine our motives, our ideas, our personal issues, we must first educate ourselves. Knowledge is power and the knowledge of right and wrong, healthy and unhealthy, and so on does not come into our lives without some soul searching and hard work.
When we take control of our lives and begin to evaluate ourselves, we enter into a time and process that requires transparency and honesty. Sometimes being brutally honest with yourself can be frightening and overwhelming; however, without facing the truth about where we are in our lives, we are doomed to repeat the same dysfunctional cycle which we may be trying to escape. Honest self-evaluation helps us to see what I call the “problem behind the problem”. It is not until we find the root of our issue, that addiction can truly become a distant memory. It’s when we see that we have not dealt with past hurt, trauma, guilt, and other life issues that true recovery begins. This is the point that we begin to take control of our recovery and gain the power to overcome.
Now I would be amiss if I didn’t say that all of this self-evaluation, honesty, and power did not have a source outside of self. After all it is self that got us into this issue to begin with. No, this source is not within self, but within the pages of the Word of God. If the world and our past has given us one view, would it not be reasonable to assume that we must have another standard to which we work towards? It is within the pages of Scripture that we find who we truly are in the eyes of God. We find our purpose, His plan, and the power to overcome our pain. When we see our lives in the light of Scripture, we then can begin to recognize the darkness that has held us captive in the lie of addiction for so long.
Isn’t it time to begin the journey and admit that a recovered life is an empowered life? Are you ready to start the journey that leads to a new and improved you? If you are prepared to take that first step, our amazing clinicians will take the next steps with you. You don’t have to walk this road alone. Full, sustainable recovery is just a phone call away.