The Power of Community
Although our focus at Loaves and Fishes is outreach and addictions ministry, the one thing that can be taken for granted when you work in and for your community, is the need for community. God has made us all as relational beings, first with Him and then with others. It is through these relationships that we learn, we find comfort, joy, peace, love, and most importantly for those in addiction, accountability.
Developing a strong community is not about surrounding yourself with people who tell you what you want to hear, but being brave enough to find those that will tell you what you need to hear. It is not always easy to remain open and humble when we stray from what we know is right, but with the right network, someone will help you find your way back to the road that leads to success.
Building and maintaining a strong support community is also quite motivating. In this process one will meet like-minded people with whom they may forge life-long friendships. It is equally as motivating in recovery, to watch others who share your same struggle as they put one foot in front of the other along their journey. No two journeys are alike; however, it is always better to travel with a friend than to walk the road alone.
I would encourage those in recovery and families who have loved ones in addiction or recovery to reach out. Find a support group, church, or other healthy form of community to help you as you walk this path. When we stumble, getting back up is half the battle. The other is maintaining the motivation to finish the race…community will help you finish that race!
Galatians 6:2
“Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.”