Responsive Reading and Prayer

We cry out to You, Lord.  Help us in our struggles.  Hear our prayers.

I fear the unknown.  Response: Step out in faith.  We know God will never leave or forsake us.  

I am afraid of death and dying.  Response: As believers in Jesus Christ, we will have eternal life with Him and be freed from the suffering and evil of this world.

I am powerless in my addiction.  Response:  God is all powerful.  Now we understand we cannot beat our addictions without You. 

We are afraid to face life on life’s terms.  Response: We trust in God to carry us through the turmoil.  “We can do all things through Him who strengthens us.”

We fear we will not be “successful” in earthly terms.  We fear the unknown.  Response: We should not be conformed to the pattern of this world.  But be transformed by the renewing our minds.  Living in fear paralyzes us because we do not tap into God’s love, guidance and Presence.  

Why do I drink and do drugs?  What am I seeking?   I am missing love and excitement in my life.  Response: I seek joy and peace that can only come as a follower of Jesus.    

I fear relapse. I don’t want to be alone again.  Response: You, Lord, know all my thoughts and understand the triggers – the people, places and things – that may cause me to relapse.  Nothing can separate us from You.

I am afraid to be alone.  Response:  With God, I am never alone.  God is here with us if we invite Him into our lives.  

Scarier than death, I feel unhappy and without joy.  Response:  Only through the Lord will I achieve these things.  Lusting after things is not of the Father.  

The devil thrives on our fears.  Response:  The devil is no match for our Lord.  Your everlasting kindness and love endures forever.    

All the people shout for Joy and Praise God!

Reflecting on Matt 6: 25-34, Philippians 4: 13, Romans 8: 38-39, Isaiah 43:1.  There are 365 passages in the Bible where God and Jesus Christ command us, “Fear not” – one for each day of the year.