Lord, Grow In Us, The Fruit of The Spirit
A psalm written by Loaves and Fishes residents on June 16, 2021.
Based on Galatians 5: 22-23, Matt 13: 3-9, John 15: 1-4
Barren Soil
Dear God, I come here to worship You and learn Your Ways. Soften my heart of stone. Make me be rich soil that Your Word will grow in and produce much fruit.
God, You brought my wretched soul out of the Pit of hell and placed me on Your high ground. Because of Your love for me, O Lord, I now have love and hope in my life.
After all the years of being worthless and bearing no fruit, now Your Word grows in me and I can share the Word and the fruit with others.
Before knowing You, I was a lost cause. But with love and faithfulness, you are teaching me humility, patience and self-control.
Before I saw Your wisdom, I was a lost sheep among wolves. But now You are my shepherd, protecting me with love.
The Seed and The Fruit
Father God, You are the gardener. Jesus, You are the vine. I am the branch. Cut off the dead branches in me so I may produce more fruit.
Some of your seed, Your Word, falls on deaf ears; some people hear the Word and rejoice but are distracted; some seeds fall on rich, deep soil. May my heart be rich, deep soil for Your Word.
Your Word is the seeds of love and faith.
Strengthen my mind to know wrong from right. Give me the wisdom to always know the difference.
Strengthen my belief in Your holy Word.
Without Your Water and Food, the plants in my soil will wither and die.
And when I mature, may I witness and give my fruit to others.
The Congregation Rejoices
Humble us too so we hear Your purpose for our lives.
Give us also the fruit of the Holy Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.
We too want to be the deep, rich soil that bears much fruit.
Prune from us dead branches so that we too produce more fruit.
Now send us out into Your world, Father God, to share the fruit of the Holy Spirit.