Deuteronomy 30:19, “Today I have given you the choice between life and death, between blessings and curses. Now I call on heaven and earth to witness the choice you make. Oh, that you would choose life, so that you and your descendants might live!” (NLT)

When we look at addiction through the lens of Scripture, the “choice” is made clear. Here at Loaves and Fishes of Beaufort, we do not view addiction through the disease model, which is primarily used in the clinical arena.  When we decide to pick up that drink, or decide to use that drug we are making choices that will either lead to life or to death.

Choices are what dictate our future! I wonder if someone were to come into your home and take someone you love hostage and say, “put down the drink, or put down the drug”, many of us would not hesitate to immediately put away the drink or drug. However, in a world where immediate consequences don’t always show themselves, the choice becomes much more difficult to put down the very addiction that is hurting us.

Our job, our philosophy, and our mission, is to help individuals come to the end of self.  It is at this point that they can begin to take ownership of their choices and move forward on the path of healing.  As we have stated in previous blogs, addiction is rarely ever the problem. The true problem revolves around the idea of not being able to die to self. As long as we hold on to the self, our selfish desires will continue to control us. By nature, our first inclination is to find someone or something to fill that void or that allows us to still hold on to our selfish desires. It is not until we understand that a God sized void cannot be filled by a man-sized fix, that a true, honest, dialogue can begin between someone who suffers from addiction and our counselors. The soul longs for a relationship with its Creator and our job is to create an environment where that relationship can begin, grow, and flourish.

In order to contact Loaves and Fishes about our recovery program please call: 252-838-9035 and speak to one of our specialist to begin your journey towards a new and improved person that God has called you to be.

Bradley Crabb B.S. M.A.

Discipleship Director