7 Keys to Your Addiction Recovery
Breaking the chains of addiction is no easy task. Stanford University did a study of addicts and relapse rates and found that 60% of all addicts that intend to go through therapy and achieve sobriety relapse. Many relapsing more than once.
Loaves and Fishes addiction recovery program is seven years old and has treated hundreds of people in our Christ-centered, residential treatment program. Here are seven keys to successful addiction recovery and living a life free from bondage:
1. Avoid the triggers. Avoid, like the plague, the people, places and circumstances that were a part of the addiction environment you wish to leave. This is a MAJOR cause of relapse. Returning to the people, places and circumstances, which was your life as an active addict, will trigger your relapse. Often former “friends” will seek out recovering addicts who are looking to change their life. One drink or hit is all you need to lead to the second, third and fourth and relapse.
2. Group sessions. How do you deal with the psychological and physical aspects of addiction? As a Christ centered ministry, we teach and show you how changing your mind and believing in Jesus Christ is the single most important aspect for your future life. How do you develop a relationship with God so that He can guide you and give you wisdom for changing your life?
3. Individual counseling. What is the “hurt” that caused your addiction? What relationships do you want to/need to rebuild in your life?
4. Learning to work with others. Our residential program has 4 or 5 men in each home. They learn to get along with others. The two Loaves and Fishes Thrift Stores give the men the opportunity to help with donated merchandise and help customers in an “outside” world environment. Thrift store sales in turn pay for the men’s treatment.
5. Think through your plan. Get the practical things resolved before you leave a recovery program and return to the community. Loaves and Fishes cannot do it all for you but our counselors can help you think out your plan. Do you need to resolve legal issues? What’s your budget? Where will you work? What about transportation? Be realistic and give yourself enough time.
6. It takes time. Maybe longer than you think to be ready. Some people can achieve their goals in six months, many people need 12 months or longer. Many insurance-based addiction recovery benefits are very short in duration, maybe a couple months at most. For most people it may be far to short to make all the lifestyle changes necessary, as well as receiving counseling on the practical things above. Loaves and Fishes cannot do everything for you but WE ARE HERE to get your plan in place.
7. Community support. Have in place a support group in the community where you want to live. Loaves and Fishes is a Christ-centered ministry. So we believe that the best after recovery programs in your community should be Christian based. Other Christians will build your faith and hold you accountable to keep making progress and with your sobriety.
We recognize that addiction recovery takes time and is expensive. For selected individuals, Loaves and Fishes provides scholarships to men and families that do not have the means to pay. In making good progress, men can stay as long as it is productive for them (typically 12 months).
If you or a loved one needs help call us at 252-838-9035 or visit our website at https://loavesandfishesnc.org/.